Calamine BP


CAS no. 8011-96-9 

Calamine is a basic zinc carbonate (BP) or zinc oxide (USP) suitably coloured with iron(III) oxide.

Calamine is a traditional, natural ingredient (dating back as far as 1500BC) used in various creams, soaps and lotions to treat mild skin conditions such as: itching, eczema, sunburn, insect bites, pain caused by poisonous plants and many more. 

Calamine is also popular cosmetic ingredient due to its sunscreen properties and ability to cover skin marks and blemishes. 

BHM Chemicals is a supplier of high quality natural Calamine BP and USP suitable for use in various cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations. 

Minimum order quantity: 50kg

Calamine, recognized by its characteristic pink hue, has been a trusted remedy for various skin ailments for generations. This mineral-based lotion, derived from a combination of zinc oxide and ferric oxide, possesses unique properties that make it an essential addition to every medicine cabinet. In this article, we'll explore the properties, uses, and health benefits of calamine, with scientific references to support its efficacy.


Calamine lotion owes its soothing and therapeutic properties to its primary constituents:

  1. Zinc Oxide (ZnO): Zinc oxide, a widely used ingredient in skincare products, plays a pivotal role in calamine's efficacy. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic properties, making it valuable for treating skin conditions.

  2. Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3): The presence of ferric oxide gives calamine its distinctive pink color. While primarily serving an aesthetic purpose, ferric oxide also contributes to the lotion's mild antiseptic properties.


  1. Relief from Skin Irritations: Calamine is renowned for its ability to soothe and alleviate common skin irritations, including itching and discomfort caused by insect bites, rashes (such as poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac), and minor burns. It acts as a topical analgesic and anti-itch agent.

  2. Sunburn Relief: Calamine lotion's cooling and soothing properties make it an excellent choice for relieving the pain and redness associated with sunburn. It provides a protective barrier over the damaged skin.

  3. Acne Treatment: Calamine can be used as a mild astringent to help dry out and reduce inflammation associated with acne pimples. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive or oily skin.

Health Benefits

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Calamine's active ingredient, zinc oxide, possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness, swelling, and itching associated with various skin conditions.

  2. Skin Protection: When applied topically, calamine acts as a protective barrier over the skin. This barrier helps shield the affected area from further irritation and supports the natural healing process.

  3. Minimal Side Effects: Calamine is generally well-tolerated, making it suitable for use on sensitive skin, including children. It typically does not cause significant adverse reactions.

Please note that the information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.


1. Gupta A.D., et al. (2014). Zinc Therapy in Dermatology: A Review. Dermatology Research and Practice, 2014, 709152.

2. Espitia P.J.P., et al. (2017). Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: A Perspective on Synthesis, Drugs, Antimicrobial Activity, and Toxicity. Antibiotics, 6(4), 65.

3. Fouad M.A., et al. (2013). Experimental Evaluation of Topical Cucumber Extract Gel on UV-B-Mediated Cutaneous Strain. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, 29(4), 204-210.

4. Hon K.L., et al. (2013). Patterns of Paediatric Postburn Pruritus and Associated Factors. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 34(2), 261-268.

5. Ebling F.J. (2000). Topical Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. Dermatology, 200(2), 119-125.

6. Admani S., et al. (2017). A Review of Safety and Irritancy Profiles of Commonly Used Skin Care Ingredients. Dermatology and Therapy, 7(1), 1-10.

7. Draelos Z.D. (2006). The Science Behind Skin Care: Cleansers. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 5(2), 182-184.

8. Denda M., et al. (2002). Topical Application of Glucocorticoids to Mice Inhibited the Occurrence of Dry Skin and Dermatitis Induced by High Environmental Humidity. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 15(4), 191-195.

Calamine BP






Soluble barium salts




Ethanol-soluble dyes

Matter insoluble in HCl

Water-soluble dyes

Residue on ignition





An amorphous, impalpable, pink or reddish brown powder, the colour depending on the variety and amount of iron(III) oxide present and the process by which it is incorporated. Practically insoluble in water. It dissolves with effervescence in HCl.

Conforms to BP tests

As per BP test: The solution remains clear

As per BP test: The solution remains clear

Not more than 150ppm

Not more than 0.07%

Not more than 0.6%

As per BP test: The filtrate is colourless

As per BP test: The residue weighs not more than 10mg

As per BP test: The filtrate is colourless

68.0 to 74.0%

Non-hazardous chemical

Keep container tightly closed in a cool and dry place and protected from light. Protect from contamination by foreign substances.